Pulse Oximeter

What Is A Pulse Oximeter?

Some people who visit a clinic to do check-ups may find themselves having a small, lightweight device that is attached to their fingertips. If you are wondering what this device is for, then read on to find more.

As technology grows, there are non-invasive tools that can monitor the body’s status. These tools are painless, and but they can give accurate results. Such is the case of pulse oximeters. Know more about it in this link: https://www.masimopersonalhealth.com/pages/what-is-a-pulse-oximeter.

Pulse oximeters are devices that sometimes resemble a clip that is attached to the fingers so that a nurse or a doctor can see the percentage of oxygen in the body. 

The device measures the oxygen in the blood that is pumped by the heart. The device also monitors an individual’s pulse, so it is useful for people who have heart conditions or experience shortness of breath.

Why Do You Need This?

The oximetry is used to see if the blood receives enough oxygen. This is a handy piece of information in the event a person experiences the following situations:

  • The person has undergone surgery, and the nurse needs to monitor his condition. If he was sedated, the most important thing is to know that his body is still functioning, and the heart is pumping enough blood around the body.
  • If an individual is taking medicines to cure his respiratory ailments, he needs pulse oximetry to see if the medications are working correctly.
  • The person wants to handle more vigorous exercises compared to the ones that he is doing now.
  • The patient is having difficulty breathing, and he needs the device to see if he needs an additional ventilator.
  • Check the conditions of a person who has moments when he stops breathing (often called sleep apnea)

Limitations in Using the Device

The device is used to measure two vital things. When you see the screen, you may notice the first number that indicates your heart rate. A small heart often represents this. The second number is the measurement of oxygen that is present in the blood. Read more about how oxygen gets into the bloodstream when you click here. Both of these numbers are needed to make a complete assessment of an individual’s current condition.

There are limitations such as the device that can only give a limited amount of information. When it comes to reading the numbers, it just gives the doctor or nurse the idea of how your body is functioning during the time that they are checking the numbers.

As an example, to limitation number 1, the device won’t be able to tell you the concentration levels of carbon dioxide in the body, which is the waste product in breathing. When there’s too much carbon dioxide in the body, it will be unhealthy and dangerous.

Pulse Oximeter

What this means is that a pulse oximeter is not intended to replace or substitute the more in-depth tests that one needs to give a doctor an idea of how one’s pulmonary system is functioning.

The second thing to remember is that not all devices are created equal. Some people will use cheap units that do not give accurate results. You might want to take your device with you during your hospital appointment and make sure that the readings are correct when you compare it to your doctor’s oximeter.

The high-quality oximeters will be able to give you an accurate picture of the oxygen saturation in your bloodstream. The right device can sense this and can give you real-time information by detecting your intense pulses. If you have a weak pulse, the device’s results may not be as accurate as you would like them to be.

Other things can affect the reading of the device, such as temperatures, fluctuations in your heartbeat, nail polish, and a lot more. It is essential to make your hands warmer and to remove any nail polish that you have when you want to take readings. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can always try using another finger instead.

Final Thoughts

For the typical results, you may want to visit your doctor to make sure. They will tell you what’s standard according to your age, weight, medical condition, and a lot more. If you already have a device that you use personally, it is also essential to take the readings to your doctor to make sure that your cardiovascular system is working fine.

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