Food Talk Health Weight Loss

Cooking a Feast on Dukan

The Dukan diet was created by French nutritionist Pierre Dukan.  Having over 30 years of experience, Pierre is well qualified to help millions of women lose weight by following his weight loss plan.

Dukan works by getting the dieters to move through 4 Dukan Diet phases, an attack phase, a cruise phase, consolidation phase and stabilization.  The diet works by limiting the choice of food you can have and initially in the attack phase putting you on a high protein diet which really kick starts the weight loss. The cruise phase introduces a range of vegetables allowing you a total dukan 100 foods, you then work towards introducing other foods and returning to a more normal diet and consolidating and stabilising your weight.

Dukan Diet

Mackerel on toast – Dukan Diet

People may say that 100 food items is not enough variety to make tempting meals but they would be wrong.  The 100 foods include a mix of fish, poultry, red meat, low fat dairy products and some vegetable proteins.

Some example breakfasts in the attack phase include scrambled eggs which is quick to make, tasty and filling.  Oat bran porridge, low fat yoghurt with oat bran, mixed cold meat platters, boiled egg with low fat cottage cheese.  Tea and coffee is allowed with skimmed milk and sweeteners so you do not have to forgo your morning or afternoon cuppa.

There are plenty of options for lunch including meat kebabs, fish sticks, omelettes with fish, chicken or red meat in, boiled egg and smoked salmon.

Using oat bran you can make some sweet snacks such as oat bran cookies and oat bran pancakes, so if you have a sweet tooth you will be ok on the Dukan diet.

There are plenty of options for dinner too including a delicious chicken curry, fish steamed with herbs, peppered beef steak and turkey meatballs.

Once you are in the cruise phases you can introduce the additional 28 vegetables which expands your meal options even more.  Dinners can include stir fry with meat or fish, chicken drumsticks with vegetables, fish salad and you can create various vegetable with meat or fish soups.

Planning ahead what you will eat and keeping food as varied and interesting as possible is key to the success of this diet.

Visits: 592

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  1. Sounds simular to Atkins with the high protein part.

  2. md kennedy says:

    I love Oat Bran, so with my sweet tooth this may be the diet for me!

  3. MADDIE K says:

    I agree with Jo, sounds like Atkins or possible Scarsdale. High protein. For a “diet” I really love Weight Watchers.

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