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Figure Out Which Furniture Arrangement is Best for Your Space

If you plan on switching things around in a living room space, first you need to understand all of the different layouts that are available. Once you decide on which layout will work the best for your furniture and the size of the room, you’ll have no problem creating a living room space that’s perfect to relax in with your family and also use to host family and friend gatherings for the holidays.

2 seater sofa

The easiest way to lay out your furniture is to place a 2 seater sofa across from the focal point in the room. Angle all of the pieces in the same direction and you will have a living room interior that will allow everyone to gaze upon the television or fireplace perfectly due to the direction that the sofa and other pieces are placed.

If you’d prefer to use your imagination and not organize anything in a particular way, arrange the furniture exactly how’d you like to. If you have a love seat or a larger sofa switch it around as often as you’d like. When you arrange your furniture how you see fit, just make sure to allow enough space between the furniture corners. That way family members and guests will be able to move past the furniture without stubbing their toe and it will also be easier for them to find a comfy seat without hassle.

If you have an interior with multiple doorways, try drawing an imaginary line. The line will help create angles throughout the room that will lead from each opening, drawing a perfect line between each piece of furniture. This type of furniture arrangement will be ideal for a focal point and simultaneously will seamlessly direct people where to sit and go in the space. It’s also great for hiding corners in an interior, especially if you have a giant stack of toys or magazines that you want to hide.

Let’s not forget about classic symmetry. A very popular furniture arrangement is arranging two sofas directly across from one another. Having one sofa on each end will help facilitate conversation between family members and guests and will also work well because you will have a direct view of the focal point. It’s now easy to work and watch TV at the same time because you’ll have a great view of the television or focal point of your choice wherever you are sitting.

Now that you have many ideas on how to organize your furniture in your living room, it’s time to experiment. Figure out which arrangement you like best and you’ll definitely look forward to enjoying your interior and the company you invite over in style. Next stop, find the right kitchen appliances.

Sierra is a freelance writer and owner of Paige One. She loves interior design and figuring out which arrangement works the best in any space.

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