Blogging is UP

Yep! My newest baby Samut-Sari is up but still under construction. I just wanted to post it here so you could maybe visit it? *LOL*

Here’s the current free theme and I hope the Pixel Lady will come visit my new blog too and check what gift she could give it this coming Christmas,lol.


So many things to do but so little time. I’ll try to post on this new blog from time to time, just to keep it running and updated.

I have been cooking this up for a long time now but since the call of $$$ is much more important these days, I guess I have to postpone setting it up as a niche blog. Not really sure what else to put there. But my intention really is to have a page dedicated as an online store.

We used to have a boutique and a mini restaurant so I can fairly say that I know how to run a business. We just had to close the businesses down because of my complications during pregnancy. But this is a first time in terms of selling online. I made a lot of accessories and they are just piling up in boxes. I also have lots of other items that are just stored in one of the rooms and yearning to come out and be sold,lol.

So, just writing it here seems I need to really spend time and figure out how I can do all of these while juggling from a full time online job and different online sideline projects.

Whew! Wish I’m a supermom so things can be easily done in just one click! Lol, might as well change into a magician or better yet a Fairy Mom!

Visits: 1114

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  1. wow congrats sis .. btw, thanks for the help regarding my template, i’m working on it thanks again.

    1. No prob sis. Hope you get to fix it. 🙂

  2. Congrats on your new blog, sis! Please be patient with me! *LOL*

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